58 W. Wilshire Dr.
I love this house because of that window! You should see it at night with a 10ft Christmas tree — stunning. The other thing I love about it is that it’s built of adobe (at least partially). Adobe is the natural building material of the Southwest — the thick walls keep homes cool in summer and warm in winter. The simple mud bricks are often made right on site from the earth that has been removed for the foundations. The owner of this home was so happy when she found the adobe walls while renovating the kitchen. Many adobe home owners have what is known as an “honesty window” where the adobe is visible and this owner left the adobe exposed after the remodel.
I drove by this house so many times while scoping out Willo that I think I wore grooves in the road. So beautiful. But I had no idea that it’s adobe – wow, thanks, Tricia!
A pity that more information–like the asking price is absent. Very annoying.
Hi Mary, this is not a real estate site (although I am a real estate agent). The houses featured here are places I have come across in my travels around town, or that are owned by friends (as in this case), and are not for sale. My goal here is to bring attention to some really cool historic homes in Phoenix.
Hi Mary, this is not a “real estate” site, even though I am a real estate agent. This blog is where I showcase homes I come across in my day-to-day life that I want to share. Hope you give it another chance!